Barneys Windows Are Plastic, Fantastic
We finally saw the Barneys windows last night, and they're pretty hysterical - Plastic bottles cut to look like Christmas lights. Reindeer made from soda cans. Recycled paper subbed for snow. But one thing struck us as odd - that the windows screamed for a Green Christmas, but their flickering lights seem to suck energy the way we devour Skittles. Surely they must be solar powered? Fueled by little running mice? Something? Determined to figure out the exact shade of Barneys' Green, we approached their fashion director, Julie Gilhart, at the Calvin Klein party last night. "I don't know the specifics on how much energy the windows use," she said candidly. "But of course we use electricity, we use energy - but nobody can decide to go totally green overnight. It's a process. We're making a huge effort to be as green as possible, and to spread awareness to our community so they can start making adjustments, too. And we're really proud and excited about that... isn't the reindeer fun?" The reindeer is totally fun, yes. We appreciate Barneys being both honest and aware with their eco-promotions, even if their Loomstate organic jeans are still a little too expensive. And the recycled plastic windows are a neat concept - maybe next year for the solar panels. And the cheap organic jeans. Please.