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Isabel Marant, Je T'aime

My first official French purchase was a top from Isabel Marant. I knew just from passing the window on the street that this flowy, yellow and white ch

My first official French purchase was a top from Isabel Marant. I knew just from passing the window on the street that this flowy, yellow and white checked top was the exact degree of light handed pretty that I wanted to project that particular summer. I have been one of her devoted followers ever since. A sign that we're fashion soul mates? She made the exact top that I have been searching endlessly for - tan and almost-red, plaid, but only subtly (look 33.) I don't hear enough about Isabel Marant over here. I'm not sure why - her clothes are so perfectly wearable, and not at all in the boring sense. Couldn't you see the dress at left on a 75-degree day?

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