Leah's Magic Hair Texturizing Powder
I am not someone who takes time to put myself together very well. I don't blow dry my hair (I'm usually running out the door with wet hair) and I don't wear a lot of makeup. Kelly Framel of The Glamourai knows a lot about how to put things and people together to make them look very pretty. She was the one who turned me on to L'Oreal Professionnel's new True Grip texturizing powder.
Want volume? This powder will give you volume. Want messy beach-y piece-y waves? Yep, this is the stuff. I have no idea how it works. It looks like baby powder but is somehow very tacky and totally texturizing when it hits your hair. Don't use a lot of it or your hair won't move... maybe ever. I'm sure there's some easy science behind it but it's like magic to me.
Best part? It's only around $16. Buy it here.