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Anna Wintour Endorses Hillary Clinton for President in 2016

Hillary Clinton has nabbed another fashion ally in the 2016 Presidential race. Following Oscar de la Renta's bid for Clinton, which he announced at the CFDA awards, Anna Wintour has also declared her hopes for a Clinton ticket in 2016. Seems like a lot has changed since 2008, when Clinton refused to appear in the pages of Vogue...

Hillary Clinton has nabbed another fashion ally in the 2016 Presidential race. Following Oscar de la Renta's bid for Clinton, which he announced at the CFDA awards, Anna Wintour has also declared her hopes for a Clinton ticket in 2016.

The endorsement came during last night's opening of the Oscar de la Renta retrospective,the AP is reporting.

Wintour first praised Clinton for "always look[ing] entirely appropriate wherever she was"--quite the about face from the Vogue editor considering that in her February 2008 editor's letter she wrote, "I do think Americans have moved on from the power-suit mentality, which served as a bridge for a generation of women to reach boardrooms filled with men"--and went on to not-so-subtly hint at a Clinton presidency. "It’s anyone’s guess what the next chapter will be for this extraordinary woman," Wintour told the crowd. "I can only hope that all of you here in Little Rock will be celebrating her come November 2016."

In 2008, then-presidential hopeful Clinton turned down the opportunity to appear in Vogue's power issue "for fear of looking too feminine." Wintour, who seems to go temporarily deaf at hearing the word "no," dedicated the entire issue to Clinton.

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Looks like all is forgiven on Wintour's end--pantsuits and all.

And as President Obama can surely attest, Wintour's endorsement is a big get--she comes in fourth in the list of Obama's top fundraisers having raised a total of $5,448,371 since 2007 and her "Runway to Win" fundraiser alone brought in $40 million for Obama's 2012 campaign.

Countdown to a Fox News freakout in 3..2..1...