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Announcing Fashionista's New Editors in Chief (Yes, Plural)

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If you haven't heard the news, Fashionista is soon welcoming two (yes, two!) new editors in chief: Lauren Indvik, who hails from Mashable, and Stephanie Trong, who you might have come across at Jane, Lucky or, more recently, The Cut. Two editors may make for an atypical organizational chart, sure, but we're confident it can work for us. We have pretty different skill sets and backgrounds--with obviously a lot of overlap (shoes, for one thing) and can't wait to unite to bring you more of what you've come to know and love about this site.

That's not to say we don't have a few changes up our sleeves. [Ed note: this "we" thing is getting awkward—I just had to change the idiom to reflect "sleeves" plural.—Stephanie] [Ed note: I know, good thing we're about to wrap this up. —Lauren] But, trust, as longtime Fashionista fans, our aim is to build on all the awesomeness already put forth by those who came before us (and, of course, those who are currently there--hi, team). Before we do anything, we want to hear from you guys. Tell us: What do you like best about Fashionista? What new things would you like to see? And what kind of stories must we keep doing at all costs? Any and all feedback is welcome in the comments. And you can can always tweet us at @Fashionista_com, @laureni and @dumbhaircut (that's Stephanie) with the hashtag #fashchanges. It's so nice to meet you, and you'll be hearing more from us soon when we officially start. Until then... Lauren and Stephanie

(P.S. It should be noted that WWD incorrectly reported that we are owned by Say Media. Though we love Say Media, we are a happy part of the Breaking Media family.)

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