11 Fancy Candles to Surround Yourself With When You Really Want to Just Feel Rich
Richness is not so much a state of being as it is a state of mind — a construct, an air, a way of experiencing life. And you may not know this, but it can, in fact, be achieved quite simply by surrounding oneself with the right simple pleasures.
I'm talking, of course, about candles.
The right home scent is the ideal mood-setter, and while there are plenty of cozy and calming candles out there to choose from, only a select few will create just the right vibe to make you feel like a fancy rich bitch. It's true! Notes of leather, mysterious spices from faraway lands and — when in doubt — alcohol are your ticket to feeling utterly steeped in luxury.
So make a giant pile of cash, roll around in it for a little while (so what if it's imaginary!), cue up your Spotify to Abba's "Money, Money, Money" and light up one of these transportive, rich-smelling candles in the gallery below.
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