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The Ladylike Gloves Ramping Up Tyler's Winter Wardrobe

If I must suffer through the cold, I can at least do it with fun pieces.
No. 21 Long Leather Gloves, $279 (from $465), available here.

No. 21 Long Leather Gloves, $279 (from $465), available here.

I have finally accepted that it is winter, and that it will continue to be so for at least a couple more months, which means I should probably start wearing cold weather-appropriate gear. Unfortunately, I hate most cold weather gear! I find it cumbersome or depressing, or both, so typically I let myself suffer for as long as possible with insufficiently warm coats or going without gloves. 

Lately, though, I've been on a big classic Hollywood kick, and there's something about the elegance of ladies constantly wearing gloves that I've been finding rather appealing — especially dramatic, elbow-length styles. The look reminds me of the Louis Vuitton Fall 2010 collection by Marc Jacobs — one of the best in his career, in my opinion — inspired, of course, by the same films I've been watching of late. 

The retail market being as slightly off as it is, gloves and other winter pieces are already on sale to make room for spring (in January!). That works out rather well for me, considering I've fallen for these brightly-colored leather gloves from No. 21, marked down by half. I love the idea that they'll provide a shock of color peeking out from underneath a coat, or a ladylike detail worn with a shorter-sleeved dress. 

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No. 21 Long Leather Gloves, $279 (from $465), available here.

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